AWS SysOps Certification Training Course

Course Overview
Introduction to AWS SysOps: Understanding the role and responsibilities of a SysOps Administrator.
AWS Platform: Overview of AWS services and architecture.
Monitoring and Reporting: Utilizing AWS monitoring tools (e.g., CloudWatch, CloudTrail) and setting up alarms.
High Availability: Implementing high availability, scalability, and disaster recovery.
Data Management: Managing data storage and database services (e.g., S3, RDS).
Security and Compliance: Configuring AWS security features and managing IAM roles and policies.
Networking: Setting up and managing AWS networks, VPC, Route 53.
Automation and Optimization: Using AWS automation tools (e.g., CloudFormation, Elastic Beanstalk) and cost optimization techniques.

Course Overview
Introduction to AWS SysOps: Understanding the role and responsibilities of a SysOps Administrator.
AWS Platform: Overview of AWS services and architecture.
Monitoring and Reporting: Utilizing AWS monitoring tools (e.g., CloudWatch, CloudTrail) and setting up alarms.
High Availability: Implementing high availability, scalability, and disaster recovery.
Data Management: Managing data storage and database services (e.g., S3, RDS).
Security and Compliance: Configuring AWS security features and managing IAM roles and policies.
Networking: Setting up and managing AWS networks, VPC, Route 53.
Automation and Optimization: Using AWS automation tools (e.g., CloudFormation, Elastic Beanstalk) and cost optimization techniques.

AWS SysOps Certification Training Course